Please follow my recent visual encounters on Instagram @thefinchgallery.
issue two of the wax paper is printed
Get your copy here!
hateful eight in 70mm
Directed by Quentin Tarantino c. 2015
ashes in my mouth, sand in my shoes
A collection of short stories by Per Petterson c. 2013
star wars: the force awakens
Directed by J.J. Abrams c. 2015
an afternoon at the phillips collection
11th hour poetry slam @ busboy's and poets washington, dc
The night's competition was won by Imani Cezanne. Her 1st round piece can be heard in the video here.
printed matter @ the target gallery alexandria, va
The Wax Paper makes its exhibition debut as The Target Gallery explores the fine art of printed matter in this exhibition featuring printmaking, graphic design, illustration, artsits’ books and zines. Our juror for this exhibition was Gretchen Schermerhorn, Artistic Director of Pyramid Atlantic Art Center in Silver Spring, MD.
Participating Artists: Mark Bischel (NY), Tyrus Clutter (FL), Jake Ingram (NY), Annie May Johnston (TX), Michele Montalbano (VA), Leah Oates (NY), Danielle O’Brien (VA), Megan Perra (OR), Maria Victoria Savka (NY), Tania Sen (NJ), Meredith Starr (NY), FICTILIS (CA), Elizabeth Sweeney (VA), Tonja Torgerson (MO), The Wax Paper (NY), Jenny Wiener (FL)
Otto Friedrich (Austrian, 1862–1937). Scherzo, 1913. Tempera on canvas
a morning at the metropolitan museum of art
Lithe and playful, these young women embody the spirited tempo suggested by the work's title, Scherzo. Friedrich painted this scene as part of a series of five canvases in which nude figures evoke different musical rhythms. The artist was a founder and active member of the pioneering Secession artists' circle, along with Gustav Klimt.
an afternoon at the metropolitan museum of art
graphic passion: matisse and the book arts @ the morgan library
Henri Matisse (1869–1954), linocut illustration and initial in Henry de Montherlant (1895– 1972), Pasiphaé, Chant de Minos (Les Crétois). Paris: Martin Fabiani, 1944.
Matisse insisted that illustrating a text was by no means an attempt to "complete" a poem. If a poet's work required this, the poet's efforts would, according to Matisse, have been deficient. Instead, Matisse thought that painter and poet could work in parallel (even if they did not strictly work together), the picture being a "plastic equivalent" of the poem...the visual artist must not adhere too strictly to the written text, and should, instead, work freely to express his own sensibilities.
-From Questions of Influence in Modern French Literature Edited by Thomas Baldwin, James Fowler and Ana de Medeiros
spectre @ the ziegfeld theatre
Directed by Sam Mendez c. 2015
new york botanical garden in the bronx
shannon and the clams @ the empty bottle
milwaukee museum of art
I spent a beautiful day in Milwaukee with good people from home. The Museum of Art is under renovation but we were still able to see the Larry Sultan: Here and Home exhibition.
Kosciuszko Park
painted on stage with troubled hubble @ club garibaldi
I produced another piece onstage with my dear friends, Troubled Hubble while celebrating the thirteen-year run of Latest Flame Records. Thanks for all the good work, Dan.
painted on stage with troubled hubble @ the house
pastel on canvas 48" x 60" drawn in approximately 60 minutes
Returning to a long series of works made while on stage during a music performance, I reunited with Troubled Hubble, one Chicago's best of the shoe-gaze days.
the assassin @ new york film festival
Directed by Hou Hsiao-hsien
donated work to STEM from dance auction
A one-year subscription to The Wax Paper and a small drawing was put up for auction to benefit the Stem from Dance program. They tackle key barriers by delivering a one-of-a-kind program weaving together dance and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) to uncover the awesomeness of STEM and change the face of the next generation of scientists, engineers, and techies.
st. martin and anguilla
I almost forget how nice it is to not have anyone around. Click through for further proof.